My uncle is a genius when it comes to computers and has to be perfected in the last fifteen years of knowledge about these electronic wonders. He works for a company that builds firewalls for large commercial enterprises. So of course he is the first person I go if I have a problem with my computer.
A recent problem I had was spyware. I did not know what spyware was at the time and my computer was really funky. It was freezing constantly and runs extremelyslow. I spoke with my uncle about my problem and he told me I had spyware. I asked him how to fix it, and he recommended anti - spyware. He told me that I have a program and recommended anti-spyware - spyware, also the full time protection against the insidious virus would fall might need.
My uncle suggested some products that he is very pleased and said that they do a free scan before you buy anything. He told me to stayaway from the free programs because of the fact that many of them are actually spyware. He said that in order to get a good product, I would have to spend about thirty dollars. I took my uncle's advice and opted for a program. The program uses the same I'm actually my uncle's company. Once I've bought and downloaded the program I was able to remove the spyware in just minutes. The same program also offers protection against spyware and I have not had a problem sinceI downloaded the software. I am glad that my uncle recommended anti - spyware.
On the subject of the scan. A number of legit, anti - spyware programs offer a free scan before you buy something. If you think you have spyware that I strongly recommend one of these done on your computer. First, a scan will tell you if you have an anti - spyware program to buy.
Recommend : ibm
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