Free Wireless Networks - Tips to Ensure Safe Browsing

Sunday, November 8, 2009 |

Wireless networks are surfing the Internet a convenient and mobile experience. Most coffee shops, Internet cafes, public libraries, and hotels offer free wireless access network. In addition, the affordability of laptops and netbooks has made these public Wi-Fi hot spots even more popular. However, you must take precautions if you have any of these free Wi-Fi hotspots. Since most public wireless networks do not use any type of wireless security protocols to encrypt your data,all on the same network to your data. In addition, hackers usually hang in places with free Wi-Fi networks in search of their next victim.

It is important that you take the necessary steps to protect your PC before you make a public wireless network. You can do this by doing the following steps:

Use a secure connection: If you use the Internet for financial purposes, such as using online banking or stock trading in places such as an Internet cafe, check the websitevia a secure server. If a secure connection is activated, a padlock icon at the bottom of the web browser profile. Another way to confirm that the site uses a secure connection if the URL begins with https and not http.

Install a Firewall: Most places offer access to the Internet have a router with a built-in firewall. Although this firewall will protect you from intruders and threats on the Internet, it provides no protection against threats from the wireless --Network. Therefore, make sure that Windows Firewall enabled on your laptop or install a third-party software firewall if you surf the Internet on a free wireless network.

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN): If you are absolutely sure that require connection to the Internet is safe if a free wireless network, you can create a VPN connection to be used. A VPN connection encrypts the data you send from your laptop to the wireless router. Therefore, no one onthe free wireless network can see what you're doing. You can become a VPN connection through a third-party provider for a monthly rate. Once you have a subscription, all you need to do is connect to the VPN as soon as you connect to public Wi-Fi network.

Use antivirus and anti-spyware software: It is important that you use the real-time protection of an antivirus and antispyware software that have been while you surf the Internet on a free wireless network. Make sure that yourAntivirus and antispyware software with the latest security threat definitions update. According to these security tools, your laptop from infections, which are currently protected, perhaps to other laptops in the public Wi-Fi hotspot.

Free wireless networks are convenient because they allow the users to the Internet outside of their home or workplace access. However, you must be aware that these free networks, which are not safe. Will be presented with the following the tips in this article, hold down your laptopand data safe while accessing the Internet on a free wireless network.

Following the tips in this book with a recommended anti-spyware tool will help your PC free from viruses and spyware, if over a wireless network.

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